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Hartley Brook Primary school wins Platinum School Games Mark for its sporting prowess


++ Hartley Brook Primary Academy in Sheffield has won the School Games Mark for its commitment to encouraging competition within their school and community ++

++ The school has a strong track record in offering pupils a wide variety of sporting opportunities ++

In true Olympic spirit, Hartley Brook Primary Academy in Sheffield, part of Astrea Academy Trust, has been awarded the Platinum School Games Mark.

The platinum award is given to schools that have had five consecutive annual Gold Awards and is valid for the two years.

Launched in 2012, the School Games Mark is a government-led awards scheme which rewards schools for their commitment to developing competition across their school and the wider community.

Hartley Brook is the first school in Astrea Academy Trust to receive this sporting accolade.

The school is well known locally for its high ambitions in sport, offering more than 20 extra-curricular sports clubs a week, including SEND activities like boccia, sitting volleyball and ten-pin bowling.

It is a hub of sporting talent, with pupils at Hartley Brook winning regional and national competitions in tag rugby, football, netball, athletics, basketball, cross country and handball.

Older pupils are trained up as sports leaders and help to run sports days and festivals throughout the year.

The school also has a specialist PE teacher in post, Dawn Alcock, who teaches all children from Year 1 to 6 PE every week and provides continuous training and development to other teaching staff.

Hartley Brook is also very proud to have two pupils signed to the Manchester United and Manchester City youth teams.

The school has links with specialist coaches in dance, gymnastics, rugby and cricket, and has welcomed Milton Samuels from Caribbean Cricket as a school ambassador.

Hartley Brook richly deserves being awarded the Platinum School Games Mark, having demonstrated a long-standing commitment to sporting competition, but the school is no stranger to winning awards.

At the Sheffield Get Active Awards last year it was named Primary School of the Year 2023 and at the awards this year, the school won Outstanding Provision of PE, Sport and Physical Activity.

The Sheffield Schools Get Active Group works collectively across the city to ensure children in Sheffield are given as many opportunities as possible to gain access to a wide variety of sports.

Principal of Hartley Brook Primary Academy, Claire Costello, said: “The whole school is delighted to be awarded the Platinum School Games Mark in recognition of all that we do to promote sporting success.

“All the pupils at Hartley Brook have demonstrated true resilience and perseverance and have achieved some amazing results in our sporting events.

“I am very proud of all the hard work pupils and staff have put in over the years to achieve this Platinum School Games Mark.”

 Chief executive officer of Astrea Academy Trust, Rowena Hackwood, said: “Congratulations to everyone at Hartley Brook for being the first academy in our Trust to win this award.

“It is so important to provide young people with the opportunity to enjoy and learn through competition to achieve their personal best.

“We hope your success will inspire other schools to aim high and offer a similar competitive level of physical education.”