Page - Partnerships
Chapter and Verse
Starting in 2021, the two-year project will enable children from 10 Astrea primaries in South Yorkshire to take part in a magical, immersive creative writing experience in their schools. The children will develop their confidence, wellbeing and skills through drama, music, poetry, and storytelling. In addition, the programme will support teachers across all the schools to develop the skills, confidence and experience to embed learning through the arts.
Parent Portal
A mix of live streamed events or pre-recorded sessions, the webinars and guides will be delivered by in-house specialists and guest experts – for example, educational psychologists, youth counsellors, trauma professionals, dieticians and nutritionists. Monthly virtual drop-ins, hosted by Astrea’s in-house Inclusion Team, will give parents an opportunity to raise, and get help with, their individual concerns. Information about the portal and events will be shared through the schools’ parent apps and newsletters.
Looked After children and trauma informed specialist training
Through the grant, the group Trauma-Informed Schools UK will be providing specialist training to the Trust’s front-line staff, to give them the insight, skills and techniques to support pupils who have experienced trauma and challenge. ‘Lead practioners’ will be selected to promote a Trust-wide approach to caring for Looked After Children, forming an expert hub to cascade learning and share best practice with other schools. They will also oversee a review of the curriculum, recommending changes designed to educate all pupils on the experience of childhood trauma, thereby encouraging more supportive peer relationships, tolerance and resilience.
“Move on up”
Older pupils at each of the academies will be recruited as ‘Move On Up Buddies’ to provide advice, support and guidance to younger peers while still at primary school – and continue to play an active role in their pastoral care when they join in September.
Twenty year 9 buddies will be recruited at each school, following a thorough application process. They will take responsibility for a new ‘buddy room’ at each school – a safe and welcoming environment where incoming year 7s can go for support and to relax at lunch and break times. Informal and inclusive activities, such board games, will provide a gentle backdrop for buddies to encourage conversations – and to identify, and provide support for, any emerging issues. Buddies will be given Mental Health Awareness training to help them develop skills in listening and how to spot issues – which they can signpost at group and one-to-one supervision sessions with a trained counsellor, or to a teacher at any time.
Pupil feedback has shown that transition to secondary school typically focuses on processes and procedures, with less attention given to emotional welfare. Those with older siblings tend to feel more confident, having an experienced voice and friendly face to fall back on in those early months. The new Move On Up scheme seeks to replicate that ‘sibling’ figure for all pupils – making the step up to secondary positive and happy and buddies are just as likely to gain from the experience – learning new skills, and demonstrating their leadership and commitment to their school.
School Governor Champions
Home Literacy Project
The grant will initially enable eight new nursery starters from four schools to receive extra literacy support during their first year. Specialist early years practitioners will work alongside families in their homes to give support with reading and writing. Then, after the initial pilot, the programme will be rolled out to a further ten Astrea primary schools over the following two years.
Evidence suggests that working with families in their homes has many positive effects. It raises children’s attainment; increases parents’ knowledge about learning and literacy; and strengthens home-to-school relationships. During four home visits, children and their parents will engage in every-day family literacy activities such as writing shopping lists, sharing books and singing nursery rhymes together. The project aims to increase the children’s enjoyment of books and engagement in mark-making, leading to higher literacy skills when they start Reception next year.
Dr Helen Rafferty, Interim CEO, SHINE, said: “SHINE are delighted to be supporting the development of this critically important work with children and families in South Yorkshire. Supporting families at home will benefit children’s literacy for years to come, and we’re excited to learn about the expansion of this programme over the course of our partnership.”